Worship is not singing a song or hymn.
It's not the music or the way someone penned words together.
Worship is our hearts cry of a desperate, hungry soul crying out for more.
The quite solitude of a grateful and thankful soul that knows God is
sovereign and in control.
It is one’s laughter and joyful exclamations upon realizing the
awesome wonders of our God.
Or, the tears and heart breaking cries of “You give and take away” and
“I don't understand this pain, but I know You still hold me in Your hand".
Like, someone jumping and leaping with great joy after their chains
are broken giving them freedom.
Worship is running through green pastures of joy and sitting beside
clear waters of hope, engulfed in the light of the Son.
Worship is walking through the valley of the shadow of death,
knowing, believing, and having faith in God that He will keep His promise
to never leave you or forsake you.
It is thanking Him for the deliverance to come, and continuing to rest,
wait, and abide in Christ.
We worship God because of who He is and how He loves us.
True worship is a result of following the desire that God placed in the
very heart of our soul to praise Him and lift our eyes towards His face.
Wow Mer!
These are some beautiful thoughts. The picture is FANTASTIC!
Keep it up!
Hey missy! I hadn't read your blog before, but somehow this one really stuck out... AMEN and AMEN! : ) That's incredibly true! : ) Love ya!
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